Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Money Saving 101: 20 Ways to Dealing with a Bad Day for Free!

If you are anything like me, when you are having a bad day, a couple things come to mind to make it better. My favorites are shopping, going out to eat, shopping, Starbucks, ice cream, a movie, and…..did I mention shopping? 

There is just one problem with these solutions to my crummy day – they cost money. None of these things are items I need to spend money on, but, when that Thursday afternoon rolls around and it’s been a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day, I run to Target where they usually have a Starbucks too! 

So the question becomes, what are some things I can do to make my day better without spending money on unnecessary things? Here are some solutions and best of all, they are all free!

1. Go for a walk (Especially if it is nice outside!): There is nothing like some fresh air and good music on your iPod to help make any day better
2. Have a cup of tea: My grandmother’s solution to anything was a hot cup of tea, and it works!
3. If you don’t like tea, have a cup of coffee: If you’re a Starbucks addict like me, you’re probably more likely to want a cup of coffee. The heat of the drink helps you relax. I like to sit on my back porch and enjoy a nice day with a cup of Joe.
4. Read something: Whatever will help you stop thinking about your day and get your mind of something else (libraries are free!)
5. Phone a friend: Sometimes talking it out and venting is the solution. Call a good friend or your mom or whomever is your go to person for venting
6. Workout: Get your blood flowing and endorphins going, you will feel better. Yoga is my personal favorite!
7. Count your blessings: Thinking positively can go a lot farther than you think. I like to make a list of all the good things in life.
8. Sleep: We are a sleep deprived society and a little sleep can go long way. Nothing wrong with taking a nap.
9. Cook: Forgo your classic depression food of pizza or Chinese and go to the kitchen. Trying a new recipe or baking your favorite treat not only will occupy your mind and hands but you get a delicious meal that is healthier and cheaper.
10. Take a bath or a hot shower: It will help your muscles relax and your mind.
11. Do something nice for someone: There is a reason people volunteer. It will make you feel amazing.
12. Watch some TV: Sometimes zoning out is the thing to do!
13. Find a hobby: If you don’t have one, spend the time thinking about a hobby you could have and actually go about starting it. It is said that people with hobbies are happier (healthier too!)
14. Laugh: Laughter is the best medicine!
15 Play a video game: Some people enjoy video games as a way to relax. It’s a way of vegging out and becoming part of another world.
16. Put on some comfy pajamas and put those headphones on: This is one of my favorites. I put in my ear-buds, lie down on the floor in our library and just relax.
17. Go for a drive: If I’m stressed, sometimes I just like to go for a drive. Concentrating on the road and enjoying the sites helps me calm down.
18. Turn on the stereo and dance: Be silly. Being silly makes you laugh and, as I said before, laughter is the best medicine.
19.Spend some time with your pets: People with pets live longer because petting a cat or dog lowers your blood pressure and keeps you company.
20. Remember it is only temporary: Bad days are bound to happen – it is just a part of life. The important thing is to remember it will pass, be stronger than your circumstances!

I hope that some of these tips are helpful. Do you have any more tips for things we can enjoy for free? Make a comment here or email

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