Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Money Saving 101: 5 Ways to Save in a Hurry

Today's Author: Lindsey

It seems we are always in a hurry. Rushing to work, school, kids activities, through dinner, laundry shopping; the list of things we have to do in a day seems endless sometimes. Perhaps we can use the rush in our lives to our advantage when it comes to saving money. Here are five practical ways:

1.       Shop when you have somewhere else to be afterwards. The less time you have to spend in a grocery or department store the less chance you have to spend extra money! Make a list and go through the store on a mission.

2.       Set up automatic bill pay. When you do this you not only don’t have wonder “Did I mail that bill yesterday?” you avoid any late fees or any charges you might receive for using a ‘paper form’ as now most things are electronic.

3.       Avoid vending machines at work by have a healthier stash of snacks at your desk. It saves you time during a break standing in front of the machine plus it saves you money and calories!

4.       When you are not home, conserve energy by turning the heat or air conditioning down. Make sure all the light are off or on timers! This is a little change that can add up to a big difference.

5.       Taking the ‘easy’ way to watching a movie by ordering it On Demand or using Redbox may be the cheaper way! If you are like my husband and I, you only watch a movie maybe two times. If this is the case, then simply renting it for a few days is much more cost effective then spending $20 on a DVD you only watch once!

Think about some creative ways you are able to save money using your busy life to your advantage!

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