Thursday, May 10, 2012

Money Saving 101: Decorating on a Budget

I don’t know if you are anything like me, but I tend to get bored with my surroundings. My guilty pleasure is walking through Crate & Barrel, Bed Bath and Beyond or Target to look at decorations, wall art, furniture and plants. I want it all, until I look at the price tag! Updating and redecorating can be expensive. Since I enjoy switching things up more often than not, here are some ways I have discovered to give you house a whole new look, even if you are not necessarily a ‘crafty’ kind of person and without breaking your bank to do it! 

Try rearranging your furniture and pictures! Sometimes all you need to do is switch your couch with your TV and bring out an old picture you have seen in awhile to hang on the wall. Do this and all of the sudden, your room feels and looks so much different! I have done this about every six months since I was a little. My parents would come into my bedroom only to find me dragging my dresser across the wood floors. (They were not happy about the scratches!) Now that I am older, I make my husband do it. (We have carpet, so no scratches!) 

Changing the scheme and color of a room is not as hard as you think. For example: your living room is blue themed (pillows, lamps, etc.) and now you want it to be red. Instead of going out and buying new throw pillows or lamp shades and spending lots of money, try working with what you have. Buy a red patterned pillow case and some fabric glue. Put your current throw pillows in the pillow cases and glue them shut – you now have new pillows! I would also recommend hitting up some yard sales, thrift stores or the clearance at your local Ross/TJ Maxx/Marshalls. You never know what you may find. 

Paint is your best friend. I am by no means an artist, but I can still paint a wall! Try repainting your walls, picture frames or doors. A new color can give a space a whole new lease on life. You can pick up inexpensive can of paint almost anywhere or check with friends or family that have recently done some painting and see if they have any leftover. 

Try getting a little crafty! If you see something you really love at Crate & Barrel, try mimicking it by picking up a similar thing at a craft store (even the Dollar Tree sells some craft items) and doing it yourself! You can get cheap wooden or glass wall accents, shelves, frames or decorations and all the supplies you would need to make that perfect item! I recently purchased two large wooden, decorative shelves at my local Michaels craft store. They cost me $14.00 each. I also bought a can of white paint for $2.00. I painted them and hung them up on a big empty space in my living room. Not only does is look awesome, but I only spent $30 and to buy the same thing at Target it would have cost me $70+! 

Get creative! Try hanging your main utensils on hooks in your kitchen for decoration. If you love paintings try buying a poster of your favorite and faux wooden poster frame. There are so many DIY (do it yourself) sites and ideas out there, you don’t need to be an interior decorator or Van Gogh to spice things up in your house or save money!

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