Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Season of Giving

Though we all may face hard times, we are in many ways, truly blessed and more fortunate than others and they do not call Christmas the ‘season of giving’ for nothing! As we all rush around buying presents for our loved ones, take a moment to give a gift to someone else – a stranger in need.

There is nothing better than sharing the Christmas spirit and here are some ways you can. Remember, your local city and community will have multiple ways you can give as well!

Angel Tree
This organization gathers monetary and toy donations for children whose parents are in prison. Help give an amazing child their dream gift!

Salvation Army Red Kettles
We all see the red colored kettles outside Wal-Mart and other stores during the holiday season. When you put money into the red kettle you are helping out your local and international Salvation Army’s provide help to families and individuals in need.

Soup Kitchens and Pantries
Take a moment to look up your local food banks or kitchens. The holiday’s are a great time to volunteer to serve a meal or pass out food.

Operation Christmas Child
This organization sends shoeboxes filled with toys, learning games and things like gloves and hats all over the world. Fill and wrap your own shoebox and find a local drop of center to send your gift to a child in need!

What are some ways you give back during the holidays?

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