Thursday, November 29, 2012


Author: Brittany

Do you have an idea for a business? Do you already own a business and are looking to learn more about marketing, budgeting, Human Resources, Legal, etc? Then Workshop in Business Opportunities is the class for you!

This 16 week course is touted as a miniature MBA course for the budding entrepreneur or small business owner. Do you have an idea for a small business? Do you already own your own business but are looking for more ideas on how to grow your business? Then this is for you!

A WIBO participant must be able to commit to the following:

1.       16 week course: The participant MUST attend each and every session.
2.       The participant must be on time for every session and willing to participate.
3.       The course costs $700+ for the 16 weeks at other locations across the US, but we are able to offer WIBO to our participants for a small fee of $50 due to generous grants from the RK Mellon and Hillman Foundations.
4.       The participant must already have an idea. This isn’t the class to figure out what your idea is, this is the class to take to turn your idea into a reality. At the end of the course, you will have a business plan in your hands. You will learn Marketing, Human Resources, Legal, Budgeting, Cash Flow, Management, etc.

We have two classes scheduled as follows:

Starting February 19th, from 6-9pm on Tuesdays, at Family Services’ offices in East Liberty. (We are in the same plaza as Trader Joe’s.)
Starting February 21st, from 6-9pm on Thursdays, at Family Services’ offices at Central City Plaza in New Kensington.

If you are interested in winning a free WIBO class, comment here on this blog or email about why you deserve to win a FREE class! This includes all 16 weeks of class AND the workbook.  Please have your entries in by January 1st!

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