Thursday, December 6, 2012

FAQs About Financial Wellness

1. What is Financial Wellness? Financial Wellness, just like any other wellness, is the feeling of well being regarding one's finances.

2. What are Financial Wellness classes? Financial Wellness classes are based on the FDIC's Money Smart curriculum. This 11 week course (which is FREE to consumers and agencies that would like to have us teach) is designed to teach people about the basics of banking, credit, fixing credit, getting a home loan, and so on.

3. How can I bring a class to my area? Or how can I find a class in my area? Email Lindsey Blocki at, Andrew Yelanich at, or Brittany Linville at for more information. You can also call 412-820-2050 ext. 419!

4. What is WIBO? WIBO is a 16 week mini-MBA course for budding entrepreneurs and business owners looking for more information to learn marketing, budgeting, cash flow, human resources, legal information, etc. Due to generous grants, we are able to offer the class for a VERY low $50. If a payment plan is required, we can also give those as well. Contact Brittany Linville for more information: or 412-820-2050 ext. 419.

5. What is Budget Counseling? Budget counseling is 1:1 time with our financial literacy trainers to complete and put a budget into action. We are not a credit consolidation center. Our budget counseling is limited to 4 1 hour sessions. For more information, give us a call 412-820-2050 ext. 419.

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