Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Savin' round the Christmas Tree

I must confess, I am a Christmas music junkie. I start listening to it before Thanksgiving and continue till after Christmas. In the car, at home, at work – I can’t get enough of this season or it’s tunes! Unfortunately, some of these songs get stuck in my head and won’t get out. Today the classic “Rockin’ round the Christmas Tree” has been playing in my head nonstop to the point of annoyance. However, something good has come from this and today we will talk about five ways you can be “Savin’ round the Christmas Tree”!

Use discounts or even vouchers to purchase your holiday gifts. Did you know that sites like Groupon or Living Social do more than provide great restaurant discounts? You can buy all kinds of items, from iPod docs to designer clothing, at discounted pricing. There is also an option that allows you to ‘gift’ a voucher to someone else!

When you find the perfect item at the store, check the internet to see if you can find it cheaper online! A lot of products can be found for much cheaper online or at a different store. I can honestly say that personally, I have been able to find almost everything I have wanted to get on Amazon for less that I would have paid in store.

Homemade gifts are a great way to save money and are very thoughtful! Thankfully for any less crafty types, craft stores and websites offer tons of craft-know-how as well as anything you might need to make the perfect gift for that special someone.

We all know it’s hard to control spending when it comes to the little ones; our children, nieces or nephews, godkids, grandkids – the list is endless. One way to save money is to buy things you know they really want. Have the child make a list of different things they want then divided and conquer amongst the adults!

If you have a large family and spend Christmas at two or more places then it may seem nearly impossible to save some money. However, try these two ideas with your loved ones: Decided on a price cap for gifts. For examples everyone can only spend up to $10 or $15 per person. Another way is to do a Secret Santa. Everyone gets a name and that is the person they have to buy for. This can be a great way to save money and create a new family tradition!

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